You might be asking yourself
Why coaching?
Coaching can rewire your brain.
That’s because coaching requires that you focus your attention on a topic or an area in your life you want to address. Where the attention goes, energy flows. And that energy is generative. It actually creates new neural pathways. These connections lead to new attitudes, new beliefs, and new perspectives which leads to new choices and ultimately, new results.
It’s a powerful self-development & mindset tool.
“80% of people who receive coaching report increased self-confidence and over 70% benefit from improved work performance, relationships, and more effective communication skills.” according to the ICF.
It can also be used to squash limiting beliefs (those old stories we’ve told ourselves since childhood that we’ve outgrown but our brain forgot to tell us). This in turn allows us to shift from closed perspectives that limit our choices to open perspectives that expand possibilities.
Coaching is no longer just for the C-suite.
Eric Schmidt, Google’s previous CEO, once said “Everyone should have a coach”. While coaching used to be reserved for CEOs and founders, it’s become more widely adopted throughout organizations at all levels. A survey by The Hay Group International stated that “between 25 and 40 percent of Fortune 500 companies use executive coaches.”